Some recently added features include CSS hints and an instant search option. There are new features continually being released, typically once a month, showing how Brackets is a continually evolving program. It will extract the information automatically and turn it into a clean CSS, severely reducing the amount of time it would take to convert a PSD file into a website. One of the biggest advantages of using an editor made by Adobe is that you can use a feature named Extract to get different colors, fonts, gradients, and measurements from a PSD document. Adobe’s Brackets is another fantastic alternative to Notepad++ with the added bonus that it is free to use. This is a much better code editor to look at if you still think $70 is too much to pay for an editor. If you want to be able to use a text editor on many computer or want these great features, it is well worth the price. These great features on top of a large number of computers you can install the software on go together to make it well worth the originally daunting $70 price tag on it. Owning this license will let you install Sublime Text onto any PC you own, even if it isn’t run by a Mac OS. Other great features that make this one of the best text editors you could use are the batch and split editing option, a very smooth interface, and a slick mode, which will help keep you away from YouTube or the internet while you are trying to focus on editing. Using this search option, you are able to open up files, search for certain words and jump to different symbols or lines. The Goto Anything search option, used by hitting ⌘ P, is probably one of the most helpful features of the editor.