its a song from a video ✨ this video is for you ✨ by Danny Casale by Urusa - I want it in easy or intermediate version I love this song cause it used to help me when I….Into the unknown ~ Over the garden wall by Isla - ~dont mind the skill level ~Fave programme.
Shots – Imagine Dragons by kb - I would love if I was able to learn this! And for the tabs, either easy or intermediate would be…. Akala – Marion Aunor by MJ - Easy to intermediate I thought he's the one but I'm wrong again.
Assassins creed Odyssey by Assassins creed odyssey main theme - Just the tabs to the theme. The song is beautiful and fits in the theme of the movie. Wonderful – Over the Moon OST by Deon - Easy tabs.
Oh Klahoma – Jack Stauber by Ceci Rodriguez - If you can, easy level tabs would be appreciated, but I understand if the song is too complex. Surfer Girl – The Beach Boys by Alison - Hello! I am looking for easy tabs for this song because it is my daughters’ favorite lullaby. Couldn’t find a kalimba tab for a song? Click here to submit a request.